Are the electrical parts I bought from my supplier fake or original?
July 15th 2010, 8:01 p.m. EED, Herzliyya, Israel
"Are the electrical parts I bought from my supplier fake or original?"
My client suspected that the electrical parts she had ordered would be fake and not work properly. The Moon signifies her supplier, and Mercury the product they were selling – the electrical parts.
How original are they?
In this degree of Leo, Mercury has very little essential dignity. This is clear testimony that the parts are not the real thing.
What else is in chart?
My client had previously bought from this supplier without any problem. But this time she had dealt with a different salesperson and there was something that raised her suspicions. From the position of the Moon, which signifies the supplier/his salesperson, we can see the salesperson is not 100% honest – honest so far as suits himself.
The parts arrived a few weeks later and it was confirmed they were not original.